Monday, 29 December 2014



Reincarnation definitely exists. Just know this for sure. In Physics it is said that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The mind and the soul are pure energy, and they manifest again and again in different ways. 

I have been here many times earlier and you too have been here in earlier lifetimes as well. The difference is that I know this while you are still unaware about it. That’s all. If you Meditate more often, you too will have the same experience.

                                                           <JAI GURU DEV>

Saturday, 27 December 2014


Knowledge Sheet Of H.H.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji


How To Manage Cheating:

Listen, know that you are wise. Cheating someone is a two-way thing and takes two people to make it happen, just like clapping needs both your hands. If someone cheats and takes advantage of you, then it is also because you were not fully aware. If you are alert of what is happening around you, then how will they be able to deceive you? So you should stay alert. 

If you do not get carried away by emotions then who can cheat you? This applies even for your brother, sister, your own family and personal relationships. Do not let your emotions get the better of you. Emotions have their own place in relationships. But where you have to be intelligent and act wisely, there you should not get carried away by emotions. Be alert and take intelligent action. Then you will not get deceived, and you will see that even your relationships will become sweeter and more harmonious. 

When people do not use their wisdom and act purely on the basis of emotions, then you will see that they quarrel over very trivial matters. We should not give anyone a chance to take advantage of us, or deceive us.

                                                         <JAI GURU DEV>

Thursday, 25 December 2014


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji's Message on Christmas:

This time of the  year when it is cold and nature is still and silent and it is darker, nature has less and less activity. Then in the middle of this springs celebration. See, when sun is there, there is so much activity. But at the time when there is very little sun, nature is sleeping, everything has gone into hibernation, the animals are quiet. In that still and quiet night, springs a celebration with lights, with joy, with love, and that is Christmas. So it is an outer symbolism for inner phenomenon. Inside also when you are still and quiet, when you are hibernating, then comes up from there a message of love. Stillness brings the message of love. In activity you are outward looking, in stillness you are inward looking. Love springs from looking inside.

The little mind is like the child. It is always dependent. And the big mind is like the mother. The individual self sleeps in the lap of the universal self. And that is the heavenly peace. Heavenly peace is not outside somewhere, heaven is when the small mind is in the lap of the big mind. When small mind is away from the big mind, then there is chaos, confusion, hell. Then the small mind starts crying and runs to the big mind, the mother, then it sleeps in heavenly peace. That peace is real peace. Holy, is when the mother and child are together. When you put the small mind in the lap of the big mind, that is Meditation. Mother and child in heavenly peace is Meditation.

                                                    <JAI GURU DEV>

Wednesday, 24 December 2014



Give Peace To Others:
We have said, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”(one world family). We have accepted the whole world as our family. Then you should rise up to that idea. Feel at home with anybody and everybody. Don’t just focus on what is comfortable for you and what is not comfortable. You should get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others. This is most important.

See as to how many people are comfortable with you. You can do a survey about yourself and see how many people you make happy and comfortable? If you dislike people, you will find you are not friendly.

As we expand, we become friendly with people of different natures and different parts of the world. Sometimes, we feeling comfortable with people of our own state or country or religion. Here you have to mix with everybody. We have people of different faiths all here, Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs. We have people from every state of India, right from the Northeast to Kerala, and right from Jammu to Tamil Nadu. We also have people from all over the world and everyone has their own mannerisms and food habits. So you need to learn and bring comfort to others. You have had enough peace, now it's better you give peace to others.

                                               <JAI GURU DEV>

Tuesday, 23 December 2014



Know Yourself:

Have you ever thought what the purpose of your Life is? What is life all about? These questions are very precious. When these questions comes in your mind, only then your life begins. These questions help you improve the quality of life.

But, when these questions come into your mind, do not be in a hurry to get an answer. Those who know will not tell you and those who tell you, do not know. These questions are the tools by which you can go deeper and the answers come from within you.To know what you are on this planet for, find out what you are not here for. You are not here to grumble, you are not here to complain or blame. This will help you learn how to be happy in life. Life involves ups and downs which is very natural. Do not be afraid of this. Make your smile cheaper. Learn to smile more. You know what happens when you smile? All the muscles in your face relax. The nerves in your brain relax, and you get the confidence, courage and energy to move on in life.

Enthusiasm is the nature of life. Take every opportunity to praise others and support their enthusiasm, this makes life lively. If you put down others enthusiasm, the same may happen to you. Become one whose enthusiasm never dies.

Any joy you experience in life is from the depth of yourself, when you let go all that you hold on to and settle down. If for the whole day, you are engaged in only gathering information; you do not take out time for yourself to think and reflect. You feel dull and tired. The quality of your life deteriorates. So during the day, take out some moments for yourself. Sit for a few minutes, get into the cave of your heart, eyes closed, and kick the world away like a ball. Only when you are calm and pleasant inside can you spread it in your outside world. The higher goals in life can only be realised through a few minutes of Meditation and Introspection. The deeper you are able to rest, the more dynamic your performance will be and the more dynamic will you be in activity.

All our struggles in life are to know more. There’s always something to share, learn and teach. Always be open to learn. Do not restrict and limit yourself. Communicate with others, share ideas, share information and seek the same. When you are centred, you become a powerful communicator. And when your communication improves, your life improves.

You should plan your short and long-term goals. Then, life gets a direction to flow. Give yourself the freedom to dream and think big. Have the courage and determination to achieve those dreams that are dear to you. This world is varied and beyond our imagination. We are all born in this world to do something wonderful and unique; do not let this opportunity pass by. Start ‘living’ life rather than just existing.

                                              <JAI GURU DEV>

Monday, 22 December 2014



Are you Disciple or Companion?

Knowledge has an end. Knowledge completes. So also does discipleship. For the disciple is aimed at acquiring knowledge.

Once you cross the water, however nice the boat is, you get off the boat. After twelve years, the disciple completes his studies. The master does a ceremony called Samavartha, where he tells the disciple that he is ending the discipleship and asking him to behave at par with him, and let the Brahman dynamically manifest.

Sakha is a companion in life and death; it never ends. In the path of love there is neither beginning nor end. Sakha only wants the beloved. He doesn't care about the Knowledge or Liberation. Love is incomplete because of longing. And so it is infinite, for infinity can never be complete.

Arjuna was a sakha to Krishna and although Krishna was the perfect Master he was a sakha too.

What are you, a Shishya (disciple) or a Sakha (companion)?


                                                 <JAI GURU DEV>

Sunday, 21 December 2014


Destiny belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and have the courage to purse it.Don't stop when you are tired,stop when you are done.  - SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR JI

Saturday, 20 December 2014



 Wealth is not just about being rich:-

One of the greatest illusions created in the world is wealth. There is so much disparity in the world. There is no reason why someone is begging for a piece of bread and another is wasting food. However, there are seven types of wealth: 

                I.Comfort in material wealth:
The first type of wealth is what we commonly understand as material wealth. Just being born in Fords home, somebody acquired all that wealth without any effort. Why does this happen when somebody else had to toil all his life to make money?
               II.Health equals wealth:
Just having money is not sufficient. Some people may have a lot of money but they cannot eat well. They are suffering from many diseases  that wealth is nothing. Some people do not have money, but they have enough to eat and are healthy.
               III.Courage to become wealthy:
One must see life as a game and should play without worrying about the outcome. But if one is afraid of making mistakes then one lacks the wealth of courage. And without that there is no fun in life even if the person has a lot of money. Someone may not have any money, but if they possess courage they reflect wealth.
                IV. The friendly wealth:
The fifth type of wealth is friendliness. You may have the other types of wealth, but still feel no sense of belonging.That is what happens at most parties — rich people go to a party to show off their wealth, but feel out of place. Parties are like competition grounds or battlefields; everyone is carrying a shield. That is no wealth at all.
          V. Need skill to be wealthy:
Another wealth is having different skills and talents. Some people write well, some good at debating, some have a knack for music, some cook well, some are good in administration, and so on. Some, put their maximum efforts to achieve what they want, yet they fail. Effort is not enough to achieve one’s goal. 

VI. Be dignified, be wealthy:
The world is full of lessons if only we observe it. Be as humble as the grass. Then nothing can touch you. No one can humiliate you. Always, walk like a king and be a perfect servant!
         VII. Memories are also wealth:
Our memory only develops when we are three or four years and we start understanding things. The moment we become aware of our source of memory, and our infinite past, our whole life changes. It’s just like someone suddenly realises how wealthy he or she is. Immediately your style of walking changes. This is the awareness of the source.

                                                               <JAI GURU DEV>


Friday, 19 December 2014


Knowledge Sheet of H.H.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji


The Real Glory

It is often believed that glory & dispassion are contradictory & cannot Co-exists. Glory & luxury without dispassion is a nauseating pomp & show. Such glory does not bring fulfillment for anyone. It is shallow. Alternately, the dispassion that is afraid of glory is weak. True dispassion is oblivious to glory.

The glory that comes with dispassion is Something that is true, that is permanent & authentic. When Someone runs after glory they are shallow. Like movie stars, politicians & religious leaders who try to hold on to their status, to their glory, they are Certain to lose. If you run often glory all you get is misery. When you are dispassionate, glory comes to you. If you are afraid of glory, that means you are not well-founded in dispassion. In India, the sadhus run away from glory. They think they will loose their dispassion & get trapped in the web of the world, the circus. The dispassion is so blissful, they get attached to the dispassion.

They are afraid of losing the dispassion, the Centeredness  and Bliss that comes along with it.This is weak dispassion.Dispassion is a state of being and glory is the happening around it.True dispassion can never be lost or overshadowed by glory.True dispassion is glorious! Real glory is true dispassion!

                                                                   <JAI GURU DEV>