Saturday, 31 January 2015


When the intellect matures, you become innocent. Also even when emotions take over, then also you will move into innocence. 

Innocence is one aspect of your life and everybody has it. What comes in the way is the concepts in the intellect, such as judgements, or thinking that ‘I know it all’, or ‘I know it better’, etc. That is what blocks the intellect from maturing fully. 

Meditation and pranayama help you to reverse the journey back from the intellect to your innocence. Also, when there are people who know much more than you and you feel, ‘Oh, I know very little’, then also innocence will simply come up in you. 

When you make an assessment about yourself that is wrong, then that may cause you to feel out of touch with your innocence.

Thursday, 22 January 2015


Getting  Hurt is Part of Love:

When you love someone, then you do get hurt sometimes. It happens this way, and we have to live through it. So do not run away from it. Getting hurt is a part of love. 

When there is love, it also sometimes brings pain. But to be afraid of pain and to stop loving, and shutting down completely is foolishness, which a lot of people do. 

To stop being in love because it hurts at times is not an intelligent decision at all. It is the most foolish thing that one can ever do. But those who sail through that little pinch and move on, will get the real, blissful love.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Beautiful Life

"You are being loved very dearly. This reminder softens you and changes your life" ~ Sri Sri

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


The Sign of Success are a Smile that Does not Fade, Confidence That Does not Wither And A Personality That Does Not Get Shaken.


Saturday, 3 January 2015


Don't waste today for what happened yesterday. Wake up and say " I have the valor and the courage to overcome this"
- Sri Sri

Thursday, 1 January 2015


Happy New Year:

A new year is the time when a lot of people stumble at the realization, "Oh! Another year has gone by!" We wonder for a few moments at the current of time that flows by and then again get busy. If we go deeper into these moments of wonder, we realize that there is an aspect of us that is a witness to all the events of time. This witness inside us is unchanging, and it is from here that we observe all the change that time brings. 

All the events in life that have passed have become a dream. Wisdom is becoming aware of this dream-like nature of life even as it is unfolding now. Knowing this brings tremendous strength from within and you do not get shaken by events and circumstances. At the same time, events have their own place in life. We need to learn from them and keep moving. 

Whatever the challenges, we need to keep making efforts to create a better world. This is possible when we are established within ourselves. In you, there is an actor and there is a witness. As you go inwards, the witness aspect grows in you and you remain untouched by events. And as you go outwards, the actor in you becomes more skillful in responding to situations. These two entirely opposite aspects of our being are nurtured by meditation. When you come closer to the Self, your action becomes powerful in the world and right action in the world brings you closer to the Self. 

As the new year approaches, let us resolve to be unshakable within and move towards a better world. Time changes people but there are people who change the time. May you be one of them. Happy New Year!